R-Pharm Publication about the Factory of Radiotherapeutic Technique

July, 2021

R-Pharm was included in the list of "Best Employers in Russia-2021" according to Forbes

Partner news

The magazine has been compiling the rating since 2019, and this is the second time we have become a participant - it is very pleasant, because it is difficult to imagine a more honorable and objective assessment of us as employers. R-Pharm received "silver status" in the rating. This time the list was compiled with the support of international audit company KPMG and with an emphasis on ESG practices of companies participating in the list. The abbreviation ESG can be deciphered as "environmental, social policy and corporate governance". "R-Pharm shares a responsible approach both to natural resources and to its employees. In our team everyone can fully reveal their potential, solving important tasks - in large-scale, ambitious projects there is a place for everyone! Let's keep working on ourselves - after all we are aiming for the "platinum" step of the list.

Thanks for the application!