New Linear Accelerator for Radiotherapy by RTT Factory in Yaroslavl

February, 2020

New linear accelerator for radiotherapy will enable about 600 patients in Yaroslavl Oblast to receive treatment each year.

A new linear accelerator for radiotherapy produced by Fabrika RTT started operating in Yaroslavl Oncology Hospital. Each year the machine will treat about 600 patients in the Yaroslavl region. The first patients are already undergoing treatment.



One of the key advantages of the new equipment is minimizing the damage to healthy tissue during a radiotherapy session. The Unique model comes with software that allows to build a 3D model of the tumor and accurately plan and control the radiation session.

- The linac costs 96 million rubles," said Ruslan Saitgareev, Director of the Department of Health Care and Pharmacy. - In addition, last year, a new magnetic resonance imaging machine was purchased for our oncological dispensary. This is a significant reinforcement for the hospital, but we don't stop there. Within the framework of the national project, 28 units of different equipment will be purchased here: these are expert class ultrasound machines, computer tomograph, mammograph, and tunnel-type linac, which will reduce the queue and provide necessary help to patients more quickly. The linear accelerator that will be produced in Russia starting this year as part of the import substitution program is considered to be such a solution.

Unique™ allows for more precise delivery of the proper dose to the target, thus minimizing the radiation impact on the lungs and heart when irradiating the chest organs.

Thanks to the fact that the regional government and the governor personally control the problem of fighting cancer in the region, today, our hospital is equipped with facilities that give positive treatment results. With the help of the new linac, we can treat more than 600 patients every year. We are talking primarily about such localizations as the lungs and the breast. Radiation therapy on the linear accelerator is more effective and safer for patients than on the previous cobalt unit, and what's more, it has higher throughput. With the help of the Unique, we will be able to implement the most modern radiotherapy methods, which were not available before, said Nikolay Melnikov, head of the radiology department of the regional oncology hospital.

- Yaroslavl medical specialists were fully trained to work with the new equipment. By the way, despite the complex software, it is pretty easy and friendly for specialists to work with it. The linac is made in Russia. In terms of its capabilities, it is not inferior to imported analogs, but it costs much cheaper.

- Unique for the Yaroslavl Regional Cancer Hospital was assembled at Fabrika RTT in Dubna, Moscow Region. Today, we are the only manufacturer in Russia that produces medical linear accelerators for radiotherapy. Our production is based on the technology of Varian, one of the world industry leaders, with whom we signed a license agreement in 2017 to launch the plant in Russia. In May 2019, we already started assembling the first orders. We are pleased to cooperate with the region, where the leadership is concerned about the effectiveness of the fight against cancer and the fact that it is a domestic linac that will benefit patients and simplify the work of radiologists, - commented Dmitry Sosnov, Deputy General Director of Fabrika RTT.

For reference: Fabrika RTT is the only plant in Russia that produces medical linear accelerators for radiation therapy and is located in the Moscow Region's Dubna Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The production capacity of the enterprise is up to 75 units per year. In 2017, Fabrika RTT received a license right to manufacture linacs from Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (USA) in the territory of the Russian Federation.

R-Pharm Group is the majority shareholder of Fabrika RTT.

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