Irkutsk Regional Oncological Dispensary and the Interdisciplinary Innovative Center for Medical Education (IICME) signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of scientific and educational projects

March, 2021

Irkutsk Regional Oncological Dispensary and the Interdisciplinary Innovative Center for Medical Education (IICME) signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of scientific and educational projects

Irkutsk Regional Oncological Dispensary and the Interdisciplinary Innovative Center for Medical Education (IICME) signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of scientific and educational projects IICME and the Irkutsk Regional Oncological Dispensary Irkutsk region entered into collaboration on mutual implementation of scientific and educational projects, including educational programs aimed at improving the professional skills of specialists in the field of health care.

Partner news

"IICME has agreed on cooperation with the Irkutsk Oncologic Dispensary - the largest oncologic medical institution in Siberia and the Far East, which is equipped with high-tech equipment for the treatment of cancer, including modern radiotherapy systems. The experience that the dispensary specialists possess and can share is vital for clinicians and medical physicists in the country, especially during the implementation of the federal project " Fighting Against Cancer," when the question of technical re-equipment is quite acute for many regions. Furthermore, we are confident that our fruitful cooperation regarding educational programs may be useful for each specialized medical institution of the country", - said Marina Chernikova, director of IICME.

Within the frameworks of the agreement, the parties acted as organizers of a round table "User experience of re-equipment of radiological service with state-of-the-art tunnel type systems by the example of the Irkutsk region," held from March 31 till April 1 with the support of Fabrika RTT company. The event was attended by Alexei Shelikhov, Deputy Minister of Health of the Irkutsk region, specialists from eight parts of Russia, experts from Switzerland, and manufacturers of medical equipment.

"Although our radiology department is working trimmed, we are not standing still, and we are actively renewing and developing. As a result, we managed to equip the oncologic dispensary with world-class equipment and accumulate extensive competence, including in radiotherapy and medical physics. Today's event is organized within the framework of the cooperation agreement with the Interdisciplinary Center of Medical Education, within which the Irkutsk Regional Oncologic Dispensary acts as a clinical site. We consider this format of interaction as perspective and mutually beneficial, as it allows to develop not only our healthcare center but also to share the gained experience with colleagues from other regions to improve the quality of oncologic treatment across Russia," said Victoria Dvornichenko, chief oncologist of Irkutsk region.

Training profile specialists to work with high-tech equipment is one of the critical components of the successful work of oncology services and a modern educational and outreach trend, which the manufacturers of medical equipment also support.

"Medical linacs are one of the most complex and technologically advanced types of medical equipment for the treatment of oncological diseases. Therefore, it is quite difficult for untrained users to realize such equipment's full potential immediately. As a manufacturer of linacs and a partner of IICME, we know this problem firsthand and try to support educational events for radiotherapists and medical physicists. Furthermore, thanks to cooperation between IICME and Irkutsk Regional Oncologic Dispensary, specialists now have a great opportunity to share their clinical experience with leading Russian and foreign colleagues at a large medical institution," said Dmitry Raysky, Deputy General Director Fabrika RTT company.

For reference:

Interdisciplinary Innovative Center for Medical Education (IICME) is an educational center for medical specialists focusing on high-tech instrumental diagnostics and therapy.

The institution trains radiotherapists, medical physicists, chemotherapists, surgeons, and other specialists in the form of certification courses and short-term master classes with international participation at its base at Moscow State University and at the base of leading Russian educational centers and health care institutions.

Fabrika RTT is a Russian industrial enterprise founded in 2016. Today, the company is the only production facility in Russia that produces medical linear accelerators for radiotherapy under Varian Medical Systems Inc. license to be supplied to Russian medical institutions as part of the national project Healthcare in 2019-2024.
The line of Varian linacs produced by Fabrika RTT includes three models: Clinac® iX system, Unique™ system, Halcyon® system.

Varian a Siemens Healthineers Company is the world's leading equipment manufacturer for radiotherapy, radiosurgery, and proton therapy.

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