July, 2021
IICME and Sverdlovsk Regional Oncologic Dispensary signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of scientific and educational projects in the field of radiotherapy
"The Interdisciplinary Innovation Center for Medical Education (IICME) and Sverdlovsk Regional Oncologic Dispensary agreed on mutual Scientific and educational programs aimed at improving professional skills of specialists in the field of medical physics and radiotherapy of oncological diseases
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Within the agreement framework, the parties organized a round table with international participation "Practical aspects of re-equipping the radiotherapy service with tunnel type linear accelerators," held on July 28th at the Sverdlovsk Regional Center for Oncology with the support of the manufacturing company Fabrica RTT. The event was attended by Vladimir Elishev, chief physician of the GAUZ SO SOD; experts from Switzerland and Russian regions; and representatives of radiotherapy equipment manufacturers, Fabrika RTT and Varian a Siemens Healthineers Company.
Marina Chernikova, director of IICME, emphasized that training for specialists in working with advanced equipment is a critical component of the successful work of any medical institution.
"Thanks to the implementation of the federal project "Fighting Against Cancer," radiotherapy equipment - medical linacs - will be upgraded all over the country, which means that dozens of cancer centers are facing the urgent task of training radiotherapists and medical physicists to work with modern facilities. The Sverdlovsk Regional Oncology Center specialists have accumulated extensive clinical experience in this area. Therefore, we are convinced that our fruitful collaboration regarding the educational programs will be useful for many specialized medical institutions of the country," said Marina Chernikova.
GAUZ SO SOD is one of the largest oncology centers in Russia and one of the first Russian institutions equipped with a modern linac Varian Halcyon which is suitable for the majority of cancer patients and provides state-of-the-art treatment for diseases of the lung, breast, head, and neck and other localizations, as well as increased patient comfort. This advanced system's clinical and technical features were the subject of the event's scientific program.
"Our Dispensary is equipped with world-class equipment, including a tunnel-type linac, which due to its design features and high clinical efficiency is relevant to most Russian medical institutions.
Today's event is organized within the agreement on cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Center for Medical Education IICME, in which the Dispensary acts as a clinical site. We find this format of interaction promising and mutually beneficial, as it provides an opportunity to share the experience gained with colleagues from other regions to improve the quality of cancer care throughout Russia," said Vladimir Elishev, chief physician of GAUZ SO SOD.
In 2021, Halcyon will start to be produced in Russia at Fabrika RTT, a partner of IICME, and supports the educational trend among radiation oncology specialists.
Dmitry Raysky, deputy general director of Fabrica RTT, speaking at the opening of the roundtable, said: "The fact that one of the most advanced radiotherapy systems in the world will be produced in Russia is a big step on the way to affordable and high-quality cancer care for patients. But clinicians could realize the full potential of the new equipment quickly with the practical experience of more experienced users. That is why we see our task in assisting the occurrence of such educational platforms".
For reference:
Interdisciplinary Innovative Center for Medical Education (IICME) is an educational center for medical specialists focusing on high-tech instrumental diagnostics and therapy.
The institution trains radiotherapists, medical physicists, chemotherapists, surgeons, and other specialists in the form of certification courses and short-term master classes with international participation at its base at Moscow State University and at the base of leading Russian educational centers and health care institutions.
Fabrika RTT is a Russian industrial enterprise founded in 2016. Today, the company is the only production facility in Russia that produces medical linear accelerators for radiotherapy under Varian Medical Systems Inc. license to be supplied to Russian medical institutions as part of the national project Healthcare in 2019-2024.
The line of Varian linacs produced by Fabrika RTT includes three models: Clinac® iX system, Unique™ system, Halcyon® system.
Varian a Siemens Healthineers Company is the world's leading equipment manufacturer for radiotherapy, radiosurgery, and proton therapy.
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