26 Apr
Alignment and Contouring
Online lecture by Alexei Molokov, medical physicist, head of Radiation Therapy and Medical Physics department of Fabrika RTT
20 Apr
Features of Dosimetry Data Collection on the Halcyon Linear Accelerator for Commissioning
Online presentationAlexei Molokov, Medical physicist, head of Radiation Therapy and Medical Physics department in Fabrika RTT, LLC
29 Mar
Halcyon system in clinic: global experience and Russian practice. Clinical capabilities and technical aspects.
Online Alexey Molokov, medical physicist, head of Radiation therapy and Medical physics of Fabrika RTT
26 Nov
Round table "User's experience with technical re-equipment of a radiotherapy department with modern tunnel-type systems based on N.N. Blokhin’s Oncology Center and a Workshop on planning and treatment of cancer in five localizations with the Halcyon radio
FSBI "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin
28 Jul
Round table "Practical aspects of re-equipping the radiotherapy service with linear tunnel-type linacs based on Sverdlovsk regional oncology dispensary
25 May
Round table "User's experience of re-equipment of radiological service with modern tunnel-type radiotherapy systems in LRC of North-West federal district of Russian Federation"
Saint-Petersburg State Medical Institution "SPbKNPCVSMP(o)".
23 Apr
Peculiarities of Acquisition of Dosimetric Data for Tunnel-type Radiotherapy Systems A.Molokov, Head of Medical Physics and Radiation Therapy, Fabrika RTT
31 Mar
Round table "Re-equipping of radiological service with modern radiotherapy systems in Siberia and the Far East
Regional Oncologic Dispensary